Poster as your message to the world - art workshop at the exhibition
We invite children to the workshop by educators from Spotlight Kids. Children will have a chance to create an own poster basing on signs, logotypes known from visual sorrounding as well as on their own experiences and feelings.
Sound Posters - photo gallery
The Sound Posters workshop worked really great! Look what kind of sounds the children imagined and realised with a little help of their parents:
Sound Posters - a workshop at The Poster Remediated exhibition
Children have endless imagination and are very sensitive to different forms of music. Using their creativity and openness to the new ideas, the participants will make a sound installation in a form of poster.
How was it possible? The Origins of the International Poster Biennale in Warsaw
We recommend the book by Katarzyna Matul dedicated to the 1st International Poster Biennale in Warsaw!